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Byron Youth Soccer Assocation

Byron Youth Soccer Assocation

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Severity of Verbal, Physical or Sexual Misconduct Matrices


The misconduct matrices are used to guide and provide a framework for categorizing misconduct and determining next steps including discipline.  The matrices serve as a sliding scale and when in doubt, err on the side of caution and escalate to the higher tier.  The matrices do not provide an exhaustive list of examples of misconduct.  Instances of misconduct may exist that are not detailed on the matrices. 

When possible, Byron Youth Soccer Association will document reports of misconduct and their resulting response. For discipline resulting in a temporary suspension or a permanent expulsion from an individual’s ability to participate in Byron Youth Soccer Association programs, an appeals process will be offered.

Factors that may result in a lower tier of misconduct or less significant discipline:

  • The misconduct was an accident, unintentional or committed in error

  • The perpetrator has self-reported the misconduct and willingly accepted discipline and rehabilitation if appropriate

  • The perpetrator was responding to an emergency situation

Factors that may result in a higher tier of misconduct or more significant discipline:

  • The victim is a minor

  • The victim is in a vulnerable group

  • The perpetrator has a history of prior misconduct

  • The misconduct was repeated, or there were multiple instances of misconduct

  • There were multiple victims of the offending perpetrator

  • The harm caused by the misconduct was exceptional (i.e. needing medical attention)

  • The perpetrator used excessive force, violence, or aggression

  • The misconduct included persistent harassment or grooming

  • The likelihood or potential for repeat misconduct is high

  • The act of abuse was filmed or documented by the perpetrator

  • Details regarding the abuse were disseminated to a broader audience

Verbal Misconduct Matrix


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Misconduct Examples


  • Minor and brief incident of targeted yelling that is not providing constructive criticism or encouragement

  • Instance of targeted blaming

  • Instance of targeted humiliating

  • Instance of condescension

  • Consistent berating

  • Multiple instances of targeted yelling / singling out an individual

  • Verbal manipulation to control

individual’s actions

  • Verbal threats of physical abuse resulting in consistent fear

  • Abusive, derogatory language

  • Threats of retaliation for reporting misconduct

  • Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sex, and sexual orientation

  • Consistent verbal harassment as detailed in Tier-2, spanning the duration of a season, multiple seasons, or years

  • Frequent threats of severe physical or sexual abuse that put the player in immediate danger or harm

  • Overt and frequent discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sex, and sexual orientation


Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office of

Participant Safety

  • Report to law enforcement

Jurisdiction & Response

  • BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe Soccer status dashboard

  • BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe Soccer status dashboard

  • For minors, Center for SafeSport may exercise jurisdiction, but it is likely to be pushed back to BYSA Board for investigation

  • For adults, BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe

Soccer status dashboard

Suggested Discipline

  • Reprimand, review, and educate

  • Probation / Temporary suspension

  • Temporary removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

  • Expulsion

  • Permanent removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

Physical Misconduct Matrix


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Misconduct Examples


  • Singular incident of unwarranted physical touch not explicitly sexual in nature (e.g., grabbing an arm)

  • Single instance of physical intimidation using actions or gestures to elicit fear

  • Single instance of destruction of property not directed at a person (e.g., throwing or kicking equipment)

  • Frequent instances of destruction of property not directed at a person (e.g., throwing or kicking equipment)

  • Instance of destruction of property directed at a person (e.g., throwing equipment at a player)

  • Preventing victim from calling for help

  • Prescribed dieting or other weight-control methods

  • Encouraging a player to return to play prematurely from injury

  • Isolating a player

  • Forcing an athlete to assume a painful stance or position for no athletic purpose

  • Battery

  • Any physical assault of a minor

  • Physical assault resulting in hospital visit

  • Any display or threat of use of a weapon for physical harm

  • Overt child neglect

  • Consistent and intentional withholding of adequate hydration, nutrition, medical attention, or sleep

  • Encouraging of forcing doping


Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board Victim is a minor:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office of

Participant Safety

  • Report to law enforcement

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office of

Participant Safety

  • Report to law enforcement

Jurisdiction & Response

  • BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe Soccer status dashboard

  • For minors, Center for SafeSport may exercise jurisdiction, but it is likely to be pushed back to BYSA Board for investigation

  • For adults, BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe

Soccer status dashboard

  • For minors, Center for SafeSport may exercise jurisdiction, but it is likely to be pushed back to BYSA Board for investigation

  • For adults, BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe

Soccer status dashboard

Suggested Discipline

  • Reprimand, review, and educate

  • Probation / Temporary suspension

  • Temporary removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

  • Expulsion

  • Permanent removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

Sexual Misconduct Matrix


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Misconduct Examples


  • Singular sexual innuendo, remark, joke, question

  • Viewing or engaging in a sexual behavior without attempts to shield others

  • Repeated sexual innuendos, remarks, jokes, questions

  • Any type of communication that is sexual in nature, but not including indecent exposure

  • Repeated unsolicited contact

  • Unsolicited visits to player’s

home, business, class, etc.

  • Forcible sexual offense

  • Rape (including statutory rape)

  • Indecent exposure

  • Fondling of private areas such as breasts, groin, genitals or buttocks

  • Masturbating in front of the victim, or asking to watch while victim masturbates

  • Non-consensual sharing of sexual activity or nudity

  • Collecting, viewing, or distributing child pornography

  • Any instance of offering to trade a benefit for a sexual behavior

  • Knowingly exposing another individual to a STD

  • Prostituting another person


Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office

of Participant Safety

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office

of Participant Safety Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office

of Participant Safety

  • Report to local law enforcement

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office of Participant Safety

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office

of Participant Safety

  • Report to law enforcement

Jurisdiction & Response

  • For minors, Center for SafeSport exercises jurisdiction and investigates

  • For adults, BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline

  • Center to communicate status of investigation to minor victims

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to adult victims

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe

Soccer status dashboard

  • Center for SafeSport exercises jurisdiction and investigates

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld during and after Center investigation

  • Center to communicate status of investigation to victim

  • Center for SafeSport exercises jurisdiction and investigates

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld during and after Center investigation

  • Center to communicate status of investigation to victim

Suggested Discipline

  • Reprimand, review, and educate

  • Probation / Temporary suspension

  • Temporary removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

  • Expulsion

  • Permanent removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

Other Misconduct Matrix


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Misconduct Examples


  • Consistent pattern of unexpected tardiness or absence to practice, matches, or team-sanctioned events

  • Singular instance of a legal adult being under the influence during a team event and in the presence of minors

  • Instance of unwarranted retaliation whereas the punishment is not abusive in nature (e.g., cutting playing time)

  • Misdemeanor criminal offenses not resulting in jail time

  • Possession of legal drugs not prescribed by a physician

  • Failure to complete proper Safe Soccer education

  • Refusal to complete appropriate background screening

  • Multiple instances of alcohol abuse

  • Withholding or impeding in the medical care and safety of a player

  • Making intentionally false or inaccurate statements in a misconduct investigation or inquiry in an attempt to cover- up an incident

  • Providing alcohol to a player under the legal drinking age (if player is under 21, this should

be reported to the Center)

  • Felony criminal offenses

  • Exposing players to dangerous materials such as illegal weapons, hard drugs, or chemicals

  • Exposing players to gang activity

  • Providing or forcing use of illegal or non-prescribed drugs

  • Forcing alcohol consumption


Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board Victim is a minor:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is an adult:

  • Report to BYSA Board

Victim is a minor:

  • Report to Center for SafeSport

  • Report to U.S. Soccer’s Office of

Participant Safety

  • Report to law enforcement

Jurisdiction & Response

  • BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe Soccer status dashboard

  • BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline in a timely fashion

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to victim

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe Soccer status dashboard

  • For minors, Center for SafeSport exercises jurisdiction and investigates

  • In parallel, U.S. Soccer will take the steps deemed necessary to ensure player safety is upheld

  • For adults, BYSA Board is responsible for investigating the report and determining adequate discipline

  • Center to communicate status of investigation to minor victims

  • BYSA Board communicates status of investigation to adult victims

  • When discipline affects a Safe Soccer Clearance, U.S. Soccer is notified of resulting decision via member submission in Safe

Soccer status dashboard

Suggested Discipline

  • Reprimand, review, and educate

  • Probation / Temporary suspension

  • Temporary removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

  • Expulsion

  • Permanent removal of Safe Soccer Clearance

Contact us

Byron Youth Soccer Association

BYSA, P.O. Box 575
Byron, Minnesota 55920
Email: [email protected]

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