What is the registration deadline?
Traveling League registration will be open from November 1st through December 31.
How much does it cost?
The cost of registration Traveling League depends on the age of the player, and is set as follows:
U9 - U10 (Based on birth year) $400
- Tetra and/or parent coached team
- Three "soccer days" per week (three practices or two practices and one game, etc.)
- Outdoor season will run from the end of April through end of June (approx. 8 weeks)
- Indoor practice 1-2 evenings per week (Approx. 2 week before season starts) - Spring ONLY
- 1 or 2 games per week
U11 - U12 (Based on birth year) $425
- Tetra and/or parent coached team
- Three "soccer days" per week (three practices or two practices and one game, etc.)
- Outdoor season will run from the end of April through end of June (approx. 8 weeks)
- Indoor practice 1-2 evenings per week (Approx. 2 week before season starts) - Spring ONLY
- 1 or 2 games per week
U13 - U18 (Based on birth year) $475
- Tetra and / or certified parent coached team
- Three "soccer days" per week (three practices or two practices and one game, etc.)
- Outdoor season will run from the end of April through end of June (approx. 8 weeks)
- Indoor practice 1-2 evenings per week (Approx. 2 week before season starts) - Spring ONLY
- 1 or 2 games per week
Birthyear Guidelines
Can I split up my payment?
Yes, we are offer payment options for the season. For U9 - U12 fees can be split into 2 payments. With U13 and older, fees can be split into 3 payments. The first payment is due at the time of registration, the second will be automatically drafted on 15th of the next month, and the third, if applicable, will be automatically drafted on the 15th of the following month. Please note Sports Connect adds a $3 per payment installment fee which is retained by them in its entirety.
When are practices held?
Practice days and times will be finalized after registration is complete, as the schedule is based upon the number of teams we form.
Are evaluations being held for the spring season?
Some age groups may be contacted to participate in evaluations. Players unable or unwilling to attend these sessions will automatically be placed on an age-appropriate team.
Does my child need a uniform?
The BYSA uniform is required game attire for all players. This includes a uniform kit (shorts, home jersey, and away jersey) at an estimated cost of $96. This cost is NOT included in the league registration fee. Additional details will be emailed to parents with more details on ordering uniforms.
Can my child's entire team play up at the next age level?
Occasionally there are requests for a team to play at the next age level. This may be to get the kids on a larger field, or to give the kids more challenging play. If a team wishes to play at the next age level, a representative of the team must contact the BYSA Board to request to have their team registered as a higher age level. Keep in mind this could affect the cost of registration and the difference will need to be paid by each registered player. This decision must be made before the team gets registered with MYSA and the coaches are assigned to teams. The BYSA Board has final approval.
What is your refund policy?
It is the policy of BYSA to retain all registration fees for any player withdrawing from the association after team assignments have been made. BYSA shall maintain control of the player card for the withdrawing player. In the unlikely event of a full season cancelation, all but $50 will be refunded. This amount covers fixed costs associated with registration.